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Helping you to stay focussed


May 2022

A few things to help you stay focussed (3 min read)

So why are we at this point then?  Because there is simply too much information available at your fingertips now on top of everything that is going on in your immediate physical world…

The good news is that you are not alone, particularly in the last few years with all that has kicked off in the world. What’s also good news is that this article is not designed to give you another load of things to think about and remember to do that will add to your frustration.

1. Know yourself

To stay focused on completing a task without interruptions, the first step is to ensure you understand why you are being easily distracted at the moment.

Everyone is different so your reasons (excuses) will not be the same as your friends’ colleagues or family.  If there is something big going on in your life at the moment then you need to be kind to yourself and remember that you are a human not a machine and can’t just switch stuff off.  But it is still important to recognise when you drift into a distracted state.

By spending a little time understanding your distractions you can also rationalise them and this will help decide if you are willing and/or able to do something to better manage it or remove it completely.

2. Control digital information flow

We mentioned earlier how much of a distraction digital devices have become.

How easy is it to pick up the phone or open a window on your computer when you get pinged!!!  Far too easy.  If this happens at work (be honest with yourself) then this is also stealing time and interrupting work flow.

Disable notifications, turn your phone onto silent or stick it in your drawer.  Agree set times when you are going to look at updates and pings.  It requires a bit of discipline but when you develop the habit, you will find that taking a break with a cuppa to scan all the “must see updates” could be the reward for staying focussed.

3. Schedule/plan what you want in your day

If there is no plan, how do you know it’s been an efficient and effective day?

This can be one of the main reasons why you lose focus during the day. There was no plan to guide you so you drift onto stuff that you like doing or you think you should be doing as it’s not “in the plan” or time bound.

Don’t go mad and schedule every fifteen minutes of your day, this will only frustrate you as stuff comes in ad-hoc and your business or boss will always surprise you with something that needs doing yesterday. It also takes too long.

Remember if there are five things to do during your day, start with the biggest/hardest as the early part of your work day is where you have more energy, drive and motivation.  Some people suggest starting with a “quick win”. This can work as long as it is a ten-minute task that gives you the buzz and motivation to get on with the big task that needs to be done.

4. To do list – time bound

Digital or paper, the golden rule on running an effective “to do” list is that it is reviewed every day.  Ideally at the start of each day so you can prioritise or shuffle things around to get a plan for the day in front of you.  This should only take 10 minutes at the most.

Some also review at the end of the day as well to give themselves a sense of accomplishment or review why something didn’t happen while it is fresh in your mind.

Don’t beat yourself up for not doing everything on your “to do list” for the day, this is a common mistake.  You should actually be congratulating yourself on the fact that you have done some things and importantly still know what is left to do later.

5. Let people know what’s changed

Communicating your new plan is important to retain relationships in work.  It could look quite odd for your work colleagues to suddenly see you change the way you operate without understanding why.

Those that respect you will readily accept this and support you as well.  They may even ask you advice if they start to see a more organised and effective you.

6. Be flexible in your approach but fixed in your end goal

Just like the goals you set in the day on your list, this new way of working will take time to form as a good habit.  Be kind to yourself when it doesn’t work on some days.  Ask yourself, what you can learn from the days it didn’t work.  It will take time to get it right so be patient and flexible in your approach as you learn more about yourself.

This is not an exhaustive list so please feel free to comment and add your own successful suggestions.

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